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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - modesty


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Перевод с английского языка modesty на русский

бот. гибискус тройчатый (Hibiscus trionum)
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  1. скромность; сдержанность with (in) all due modesty —- с должной (с приличествующей) скромностью 2. скромность, застенчивость; благопристойность to offend modesty —- оскорбить стыдливость (скромность) her modesty prevented her from saying that —- скромность (застенчивость, стыдливость) помешала ей сказать это false modesty —- ложная скромность I must say without false modesty... —- скажу без ложной скромности... 3. умеренность; ограниченность (средств и т. п.) the modesty of their home —- скромность (непритязательность) их жилища the modesty of her means —- ограниченность ее средств ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) скромность; умеренность  2) благопристойность; сдержанность ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. the quality of being modest. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1531  1. freedom from conceit or vanity  2. propriety in dress, speech, or conduct ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. Someone who shows modesty does not talk much about their abilities or achievements. His modesty does him credit, for the food he produces speaks for itself... N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 2. You can refer to the modesty of something such as a place or amount when it is fairly small. The modesty of the town itself comes as something of a surprise. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 3. If someone, especially a woman, shows modesty, they are cautious about the way they dress and behave because they are aware that other people may view them in a sexual way. There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a modest way of behaving or talking  (the great player's modesty) 2 in all modesty spoken used to say that you do not want to seem too proud of something you have done, when in fact you are  (I think in all modesty that I can take some small credit for the team's success.) 3 unwillingness to show your body or do anything that may attract sexual interest 4 modesty forbids spoken used when saying jokingly that you do not want to talk about your achievements  (- see also false modesty false (4)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1531, from M.Fr. modestie, from L. modestia "moderation," from modestus "moderate," related to modus "measure, manner" (see mode (1)). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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